вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


The appetite is vital, not the feast. To ask other readers questions about The Importance of Living , please sign up. Lin Yutang has one of the most amusing writing styles I've ever run across - he never really convinces you of what he is saying so much as states it in such a charming and leisurely way that you'd feel rude to disagree. These are authors with whom I have a natural consonance of mind, sentiment, and temperament, and to whose works I can continually return with deep and lasting satisfaction. Of perhaps special appeal to writers, artists, and anyone interested in human nature, psychology and philosophy. I think of him often. lin yutang the importance of living

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Libraries and bookstores are filled with books praising soldiers and dutiful followers.

lin yutang the importance of living

Although he returned to China briefly in and again inLin both times became involved in disputes stemming from his stand in favour of literature as self-expression rather than as propaganda and social education. Lists with This Book. May 16, Aidan Reid rated it it was ok.

Lin Yutang's book is slightly hard to classify, if only because, as he admits, he's writing a book about Chinese culture and academic history which he doesn't intend to be taken as especially scholarly or serious in large part.

lin yutang the importance of living

Lin was buried importwnce his home in YangmingshanTaipeiTaiwan. She is in the process of writing her second novel. They should chew it yuttang. His informal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were bestsellers in the West.

In comedy the best actor plays the part of the droll, while some second rogue is made the hero or fine gentleman.

The Importance Of Living : Lin YuTang : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Works by Lin in Chinese or published in China to include: Thee other words, our minds still retain the importahce, fumbling quality of simian intelligence" Instead of the Western aim of developing a critical thinking mind in dealing with human affairs, Yutang suggests that we should cultivate a "spirit of reasonableness", educating our senses and our emotions rather than our ideas. It is a very informative book, if you're not looking for exact behaviors to emulate as in a how-to book. As others have commented, it's impossible to read this book unless you set aside some of the misogynist and totalizing commentary on race and gender.

Yutang thinks that we need humor for the right perspective in life, and for reasonableness in living.

The Importance Of Living

I h This book is verbose. Is such a happy and carefree philosophy of life relevant today? Besides some of the dated social commentaries, there are places where the author went overboard with historical and literary references. Elaborating on a theory of leisure the book says: Mechanics had been a importannce time avocation.

I am going to bail on this book. A good traveler is one who does not know where he is going immportance a perfect traveler does not know where he came from! I don't think he ever mentions it, but I think he would heartily agree with Terence's line, "Nothing human is alien to me.

As he read the Bhagavad Gita with full concentration in the evening, he realized some new meanings and updated his speech accordingly. One of my favourite passages in the book: Of perhaps special appeal to writers, artists, and anyone interested in human nature, psychology and philosophy. Mar 26, Buddy rated it liked it Shelves: He was only His many works represent an attempt to bridge the cultural gap between the East and the West.

Do get a copy of The Importance of Living and read it leisurely. Be the first to ask a question about The Importance of Living. Leisure enables you to realize the highest value of your time! Lin's relation with Christianity changed over the years. The latter list of topics revealed a highly progressive and humanistic mind, while the former list of topics spoke to an affinity to traditions that are considered quaint and 'exquisite'.

It's of a fairly mild variety that isn't too surprising given his time and place--an othering of women that goes hand in hand with saying how wonderful they are.

This book is guaranteed to shake up your thinking and bring some refreshing views into your way of being.

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